The Who's Who of the
Fort William Male Choir


Meet the First Tenor Section                                     

John Charry is a Director on the Executive, and has been a member of the Choir for 6 years. John recently retired as a Medical Radiation Technologist and his hobbies include teaching Karate and travelling.

Paul Dudar is the choir's set designer, who provides the ideas and research for our staging and specific costumes worn by our members during production. Paul uses his dedication to artwork, art and photography to do this. Paul is a life member and has been with the choir for 52 years.

Pat Gallagher is the Vice President on the Executive, the Chair of the Marketing and Promotions Committee and manages the Choir's Website. Pat has been with the choir for 7 years. He and his wife Donna have 4 children and 2 grandchildren.

Don Harris Jr, is a retired teacher, and runs his own catering business.  Donny has been a member of the Choir for 13 years.

Bill Jessiman is the choir librarian and has the responsibility of keeping the thousands of music sheets in order as readily accessible for the Choir. He has also been responsible for driving the choir for some of its many singing engagements in the region. Bill and wife Gerri have 5 children. Billy Bus is a life member and has been with the choir for 44 years. 

John Sutton  has been a member of the choir for 10 years.

Roger Sutton is the 1st Tenor Whip and has been a member of the choir for 25 years.


                     Click below to access each Section:


Bass Section  

  First Tenor Section

  Baritone Section   Second Tenor Section